USAID's Intelligent Forecasting: A Competition to Model Future Contraceptive Use

USAID's Intelligent Forecasting: A Competition to Model Future Contraceptive Use

Advancing Family Planning: USAID's Innovative Contraceptive Use Prediction Competition

USAID works with local health care authorities and partners to support voluntary family planning and reproductive health programs in nearly 40 countries across the globe, which includes ensuring that contraceptives are available and accessible to people who need them.

With this competition, we seek to identify and test more accurate methods of predicting future contraceptive use at health service delivery sites.

First, we will award up to 25,000 USD in prizes to innovators who develop an intelligent forecasting model—using the data we provide and methods such as artificial intelligence (AI)—to predict the consumption of contraceptives over three months. If implemented, the model should improve the availability of contraceptives and family planning supplies at health service delivery sites throughout a nationwide healthcare system. Second, we will award a Field Implementation Grant of approximately 100,000 to 200,000 USD to customize and test a high-performing intelligent forecasting model in Côte d’Ivoire.

Learn more about the Competition here: Inclusive Growth and Recovery Challenge Inclusive Growth and Recovery Challenge

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